Thursday, November 5, 2009

Green power!

bit of a late post but last Saturday i headed down to the beach, got lost with derrick when trying to regroup with the others; turns out we were at different beaches ????. after some fun in the water we decided to head off to box hill for some TPING laser tag. little kids need to learn that following a opposing player around the whole time is'nt the way to play >:( .

after dinner some of us departed as others went to VA. maxi taxi home and that was about it

Exams are almost here ... game on!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Not so Royal Melbourne Show

Headed off to meet Andy, Mason, Joel and Carmen at the glen today as we planned to spend the day at the show. turns out i wasn't having a normal day as 3 or so random people had slight issues with me. some guy randomly tried to push me over then gave me a grease, another guy asked for some money then said "What you think its funny!" after i didn't give him any of my money. one more person at the show grounds which i accidentally bumped gave me the dirtiest look after i apologized ...... i guess Australians just don't like asians or are really uptight. Anyways we stopped at MC to grab some KFC lunch then took a stroll from MC to Flinders and caught the train to the show grounds.

Once arriving at the showground it was Joel's and my first time so we had pretty high expectations from word on the street. apon entering it was very ... ummm unexpecting ? lets just say it reminds me off 1.5 x springvale festival. we bought some show bags and had Dip n dots.

Mason and I we're addicted to a poker prize game which i found to be pretty easy at first. won 2 major toys and mason won one ( i chocked in the shootout agaisnt him ... but he got beaten by a 9 year old ). before leaving the showground Carmen and Joel decided to take my very well put together ride. turned out to be a major blowout but seeing Carmen shitting herself when a guy blew a horn at her was amusing enough... while waiting for their ride to finish andy has a very weird way of overcoming bordem.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Stephen & Musa

Despite getting sick right before the holidays, didn't stop me from going out and having fun. Went to Stephen and Musa's birthday yesterday. when everyone arrived we just bummed around for awhile until the lamb came.... the delicious $300 lamb. We all dug in and people ended up getting pieces that were too big for their plates..... like Wayne and his lamb leg. after the lamb the boys decided to have a random arm wrestle where yang ended up losing to Wayne and sculled a VB.

approximately 8 o'clock the birthday boys had their birthday cakes, 3 massive cakes. this is where it got interesting... somewhere along the line someone started a food fight with the cakes and it ended up getting out of hand. cake pieces all over the floor and on everyone's face. it was an Asian party somehow with only white people. Mingpowder & Pinkface got absoluteley owned when it came to cake targets. After the food fight we cleaned up and just bummed till i left.

Aftermath ---------------------------^

Monday, August 24, 2009

Happy Birthday

Saturday 22/08/09. Mary and I hosted a joint Birthday Party at Michelangelo's Restaurant in Aspendale Gardens. Most people turned up but there were a few who unfortunately could not make the night.

We started off with dinner which took awhile to arrive so people got a little edgy after waiting 40 minutes lol. After finishing dinner we had our birthday cakes and Mary got to open her very very very expensive gift which she loves. Michael Evelyn Ung showed us a video which he put together soon after, a very good work by him but [" I was not picking my nose, please watch carefully i was scratching my nose"]

On behalf of Mary & Myself we would like to thank everyone who showed up on the night and for the great presents we received.

After dinner (Mason, Derrick, Joel, Mary, Kez) came back and crashed at my place. Upon arrival at my place we all decided and buy some slurpees which we walked in the cold & on the look out for any randoms. When we got back we watched The Ring when we got back.... turned out to be an epic fail of a horror movie.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Harry Potter & the Half-Blood steak

Went to Knox yesterday to watch Harry Potter with Joel, Derrick, Fiona , Carmen, Mary, Teresa and Vicky. Movie turned out to be pretty good, i liked it but some of the others thought it was boring as hell. Funny watching people jump & scream in Harry Potter .... You know who you are LOL :).

Before the movie we bummed around timezone and played a few games; bad luck derrick, your high score on basketball wasn't recorded LMAO!. before leaving timezone we decided to play a round of "Deal or No Deal", turned out to be an epic fail winning only 2 tickets.

After timezone we went and had dinner at Hogsbreath ( Longest Waiting Period for food ). once we got our steaks, joel recieved a rather odd one. he ordered medium-rare but turned out to be plain rare and uncooked. But lucky for him he didnt have to pay for the meal.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Saturday @ the Glen

Woke up late today, decided to go to Glen library to do some homework with Joel & Mary. When we got there at 3 we realized that the library closes at 4.00PM so we only got an hours homework done. The first "Slap Bet" was initiated today over a color of a certain car that went by.

Joel*: the car is black man!
Me*: it was blue man!

The car turned out to be blue, still owe Joel a slap which can be doled out at any time.

we decided to go get something to eat before going home, stopped by maccas and got quarter pounders. Joel & Mary's were suppose to be full pounders but turned out they were given quarters.

We had an hour to spare before going home so we decided to go to strike bowling bar and play a couple games of pool. Me vs Joel turned out to be Me 2-0. Almost had my first accident on the way home aswell; lucky me

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Spent the night at yang's place drinking up and playing many drinking games. Kept losing along with the only other viet at the party. Went for a drive with and Joel to pick up Mung and Carmen; sorry Yang , didn't know we we're suppose to wait for you .... I blame you Joel Cheong.

Woke up in the afternoon, Derrick, Carmen, Andy and I went to Brandon park for some lunch; maccas after a night of drinking isn't the best choice of food. Headed back to Yangs to chill for the rest of the day.

p.s won 4 times against a certain person 4-1 in "winning eleven"... :D